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What’s the painter's name?
[ Скачать с сервера (74.0 Kb) ] 14.08.2010, 20:40

1.  You need it to write on it. 
2.  Another word for a painted picture. 
3. The darkest colour. 
4.  You need it to draw or write. 
5.  Red, yellow and blue are ........ 
6.  The person who paints a picture. 
7.  The event where paintings and other works of art are shown. 
8.  The surface on which a painter paints. 
9.  The board which a painter uses to mix his colours. 
10. The building where pictures and other works of art are shown. 
11. The tool which a painter needs for painting. 
12. If a painter wants to paint a person, he will need a ......... 

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